Dumpling Diaries| Making Friends with Nutri10 Plus' help

Since Nutri10 Plus has been a part of the Princess' life - the benefits have been reeling in. 

She has been so responsive to learning and it has been an exciting way to prepare her for daycare. 

Excuse the double chin Ma'am. :)

Nutri10 Plus has Taurine which has been proven to help with brain development. Taurine has been known to lessen stress. This has also given her the extra help she needs to prepare to learn and socialize. 

I was so happy that at the 1st Parents meeting last week, she interacted so well with the other kids that she was also able to make a new friend! 

The benefits of Nutri10 Plus are evidently seen!

She'll be starting her first day in day care this week! I will definitely share with you her first day adventures. :)

Learn more about Werts Philippines' Nutri 10 Plus on their Facebook Page.

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