DIY| Free Printable Menu Planner

Call me slightly Obsessive Compulsive if you will, however I really like things that are organized. Sometimes, being organized does need a budget. I am sure just like me, you wish to save a little money in the pocket for a rainy day right? So here's to organizing within a budget!

main photo 

The great thing is that you can re-use this menu planner each and every time without the need of re-printing.  

One thing, I always want planned ahead is my weekly menu, when you have kids or lead a busy schedule, thinking "What's for dinner?" can be a little frustrating if you have nothing in mind. To make life a little easier around the household, I decided to create a Menu Planner which we could update every week. 

Mamanee's Menu post

So here's a little tutorial for you on how to make a re-usable menu planner:
1. Print out the menu planner, it should on a size 8.5x11 piece of paper, colored preferably to give you that pop in the kitchen or wherever you will be placing it.
2. Purchase a picture frame. Your choice of frame, I bought this simple frame from National Book Store for only 100PHP.
3. Place your menu planner inside the frame...
4. Start planning with a whiteboard marker!

Super easy-peasy right?

Now here 's the thing, since I love you - I will be happy to share a FREE printable for you, so you can go ahead a make your own! 

Now for the first 5 lasses that sign up to my email list, you'll be getting a personalized version of the menu planner - tadaaaah! I'll be sending an email to those that qualify for your preferred name. :)

Since I have now decided that sharing is definitely caring, I will be sharing free printables with you once in a while and these will only be sent out to my loyal email subscribers!

to do sample
Like this? I made one by the request of the hubhub. Let me know in the comments below, if you want one or something similar and I'll create one for you for free!

What free printables can you expect to receive in the future? More designs for menu planners and a blogger planner per month for 2016!
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