So being that sandals are an all year ‘round fashion statement, your toes need to be in tip top shape! And what better way to do so, than invest in some “me-time” with a wonderful pedicure – throw in a manicure too!
Front desk of Nailaholics Gateway |
Nailaholics will make it easier for you to get that much needed mani-ped, they’ll help beautiful your nails, pamper you and make you want to come back for more.
Everytime you indulge of a regular manicure and pedicure or in one of Nailaholic’s Signature Packages and treatments, you earn a Pampering Card Stamp. Complete 5 stamps and get your sixth mani-ped for FREE!
“Each visit to Nailaholics beginning November 21 until March 31 means you’re pampering yourself for a bonus little treat, this is our way letting our loyal customers know that we appreciate them.” says Lorraine Baterina.
Cozy and comfy interiors |
Go to your nearest Nailaholics Branch today.
Visit their Facebook Page for updates: and their Website for more info: Nailaholics – The no.1 go-to nail and pampering destination
Yeahhh, ganda ng interior design, front desk pa lang, inviting na. Makakatulog siguro ako neto pag nagpamani ako dito. 😂😂😂