I shared with her that I also was going through the same thing and it does seem that stress is common among mommies and this can be triggered by several factors.
Mine is probably something you can relate to also:
1. Work
2. Kids
3. Housekeeping/Budget
4. Myself
5. Personal Relationships
5. Personal Relationships
This is because if we feel threatened in any way, our body senses that and creates that "stress-response". There are 2 types of stress: short and long-term, both can manifest either physically or emotionally and sometimes if not handled can turn into anxiety and depression,
As mothers, we do have a responsibility to our family as much as to our selves and we should never take stress as something simple.
I am not best at stress-busting but I can share with you what I am doing as a plan for this year to keep me healthy and may I say SANE.
Take Your Vitamins.
Stress can trigger your health, the worst partner with stress is getting sick. One capsule or tablet of Vitamin C would do wonders for you.
Disconnect for a few minutes and BREATHE.
Whatever triggered your stress - stop thinking about it for a few minutes to take a breather. Sometimes, when I do that - I suddenly realize that what I was stressing about, is honestly a small thing and I was overthinking. I am not saying that everything you are stressing about could be a small thing however you might not know that maybe that trigger is something you can place aside. Just do not sweat the small stuff.
Plan Ahead.
I know YOLO (You-Only-Live-Once) is the hype for many, but you never know when you could be caught up on deadlines, budget constraints and a mountain of laundry. Schedule things ahead that will even give you time to see that there is breathing space for your very busy life.
Me Time.
Now that you are going to schedule stuff, use that small window you have free as ME TIME. Me time does not need spending or going out, it could be reading a few pages from a book, taking time to clean your face and placing on a Korean face mask while you put your feet up, cuddle with the kids and talk about nothing important. These small breaks allow you to reset - your mind and your body.
So here's my simple stress relief routine's that are helping me so far, which I hope will help you too.
If you have a stress relief routine that I did not mention - I would love to read it in the comment below.

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